envy during APAHM/AANHPI/AAPI Heritage Month

Christopher Huang
6 min readMay 9, 2023

Social media envy is tough, especially during May and AAPI/AANHPI Heritage Month. I’m seeing so many people I know or at least have met do things like speak at The White House, go to galas with Asian Oscar winners (TAAF, Gold House’s Gold Gala, APAICS, Met Ball) hang out with Oscar winners at after parties, appear on national tv, see people blow up on social media with tons of views/likes/follows, see photographers get the gigs I want, see people getting speaking gigs I want, see people get on most influential/impactful lists, etc. (And it’s especially tougher, for some reason…



Christopher Huang

pro photographer who cares about the impact of imagery as any storyteller should christopherhuang.com, IG/FB: christopherhuang, christopherhuangphotography